Our Impact
Seeds and Sprouts
In 2019, the Milwaukee Parks Foundation (MPF) Board of Directors embarked on a strategic plan to define the mission and direction of our work. After 420+ conversations with residents across 7 months, and the help of P3 Development Group, MPF established our first fundraising and grantmaking strategy: Seeds & Sprouts. The Seeds & Sprouts strategy tackles challenges throughout our County Parks System on a long-term (seeds) and short-term (sprouts) level. This strategy advances our mission and vision to collectively steward a thriving parks system that benefits all.
All grants and investments are made to primarily benefit Parks in areas that have seen disinvestment. Milwaukee Parks Foundation utilizes Milwaukee County Parks Equity Index to guide our decision-making.

Seeds investments contribute to the long-term sustainability of our County Parks System. By investing in system-wide solutions, MPF plants seeds for a parks system that can be enjoyed for years to come. The 2023 Focus Areas for these investments include youth enrichment, capital projects, and environmental sustainability & justice.
Sprouts investments harness the power of community. By investing in resident-led catalytic projects, MPF sprouts ideas, activation, engagement and ownership across our parks system. Examples of these investments include community events, park murals, and park-based programming for neighbors.
Most importantly, seeds inform sprouts and sprouts inform seeds. It takes all of us to build a vibrant parks system for all.
2023 Annual Report
Check out our 2023 Annual Report by clicking the button below.
Impact By the Numbers
Total pledged or invested in parks
People in the parks
Volunteer hours
Impact Map

Sprouts Project

Seeds Project

Healthy County Challenge

Basketball Refresh